Tied to Light

Install shots from a collaborative show, Tied to Light, with Lucy Kane at the BUMF Gallery in Bournemouth, 10/02/20 - 14/02/20.

These are works in progress, part of an ongoing project titled The Thing Itself. The ‘photographic sculptures’ are an exploration of photographic materiality and the capacity of the medium to refer to not just an external subject but also the physical actions exerted on it. 

Despite the increased recognition of its ‘expansion’, photography is typically defined solely by its two-dimensionality and ability for indexical representation of reality. Its material qualities and capacity to render visible the signs of its own making are often overlooked. Pursuing the qualities typically deemed to be tied to other mediums like painting and sculpture,The Thing Itself raises the question; what is a photograph?  

Install shots from a collaborative show, Tied to Light, with Lucy Kane at the BUMF Gallery in Bournemouth.

Click images to enlarge.


Gestures Up Close


Traces | BUMF Gallery